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You are not listening. You will not learn. You are deluded.

The US has had no victories, no military success of any note since WWII. Korea, no. Viet Nam, no.

And the Caribbean that you mention, hell no. It shows your desperation to be vindicated that you mention illegal attacks on Carib islands as success.

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THE US PENTAGON IS IN TOTAL CONTROL OF A FOREIGN INTEREST. This foreign interest likes to use the US military for demonstration purposes such as regime changes and other police actions not sanctioned by the supposed to be United Nations of which the US is a member. When I say Foreign Interests I use it as substitute so as not to smear an entire race of human beings who are being used as a cover by this group of Zionists. These Zionists are not of semitic origin but hail from old Khazaria a Kingdom that was located roughly between the Ukraine including what is now called the Crimea and the Byzantine Empire.

Khazaria was destroyed by the Christian Kingdom of Kiev and the Orthodox Christian Byzantines after converting to Judaism which did not stop their barbarian practice of fire sacrifice of infants and children

Now the Zionists want it back as is witnessed by the Ukraine people being killed, relocated and leaving the country in droves. About 10 million have immigrated out so far. Victoria Nuland Zio, Janet Yellen Zio, Soros Zio, Zelenski Zio, and on and on a big list of Zionists. How many people have figured this out?? I'm sure some Ukrainians have but they have to keep silent or lose their Pentagon Zion stamped paycheque or worse get tortured to death Bolshevik style.

Only white christian folks are dying there, Ukrainians and Russians... what is the end game? Putin wants a neutral Ukraine, and self determination for the dominant Russian population in eastern Ukraine which has now become a done deal as they opted for inclusion into Russia.

The clever Zios are doing everything they can to keep this war going while keeping gleeful score of the cattle dead.

If Putin doesn't move decisively soon he will likely find himself bound up in some kind of trap. I have so far given Putin the benefit of the doubt but if this war and the killings go on then I will have to believe what i see happening and it ain't good.

Kissinger the Cambodian illegal US bombing initiator, and seller of US technology & manufacturing to China, a true Zio said this: In thirty years or so Israell will no longer exist.

I Read that as .. because Jerusalem will now be in New Khazaria in the CRIMEA directly in the centre of the biggest land mass and population on earth from which we shall rule the globe.

This is Mega Chutzpa in the face of gentile indolence and 100% in the bag if events transcend in that direction unimpeded.


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