Have you read Icebreaker or Germany’s War: The Origins, Aftermath and Atrocities of World War II? The latter lays out what personnel and equipment was moved into place. It included tens of thousands of paratroopers and tanks adapted with tires for paved roads, of which The USSR had none. The two books were based on Soviet documentation.
Have you read Icebreaker or Germany’s War: The Origins, Aftermath and Atrocities of World War II? The latter lays out what personnel and equipment was moved into place. It included tens of thousands of paratroopers and tanks adapted with tires for paved roads, of which The USSR had none. The two books were based on Soviet documentation.
Author Joachim Hoffman’s work was endorsed by the Federal German Govt; that endorsement is very hard to get; as you might expect anything showing even a modicum of positive light on The Third Reich is anathema.
Leon Degrelle is correct; Stalin was planning on hitting Germany around Spring 1942. AH beat him to the punch. Another reason Soviet losses were so incredibly high - & so much materièl was captured - was that the Red Army was jammed up against the western border prepping marshaling areas & stocking up supplies for the lunge westward.
Thanks for the link. My one concern in reading the blurb is that it seems to suggest socialism is the same as communism. While there were some "state-ists" in the early movement, none were at the level of the Marx/Engels. There were as many or more anarchists/mutualists as state-ists. Proudhon, the "Father of Anarchy" called Marx "the tapeworm in socialism" and anarchist Bakunin, who thought Proudhon didn't go far enough, compared the Peoples State of Marx to a Rothschild bank. On the main topic, not too long ago, I stumbled across an article that mentioned there were two Russian historians who had published books exposing Stalin's lies about the German invasion, much along the lines of Suvarov et al. Unfortunately, I cannot remember where I found it. I used to think Henry Ford was silly to say "History is bunk". For the past 30+ years, I'm now convinced he was correct.
Have you read Icebreaker or Germany’s War: The Origins, Aftermath and Atrocities of World War II? The latter lays out what personnel and equipment was moved into place. It included tens of thousands of paratroopers and tanks adapted with tires for paved roads, of which The USSR had none. The two books were based on Soviet documentation.
Great points! In addition to Suvorov’s work the chief Military Historian for the Bundeswehr was able to get access to Soviet archives (post Soviet collapse) & exhaustively researched & produced this compelling narrative: https://www.amazon.com/Stalins-War-Extermination-1941-1945-Documentation/dp/0967985684/ref=sr_1_1?crid=12600IXE9URRB&keywords=stalin%27s+war+of+extermination&qid=1683846915&s=books&sprefix=Stalin%27s+war+%2Cstripbooks%2C148&sr=1-1
Author Joachim Hoffman’s work was endorsed by the Federal German Govt; that endorsement is very hard to get; as you might expect anything showing even a modicum of positive light on The Third Reich is anathema.
Leon Degrelle is correct; Stalin was planning on hitting Germany around Spring 1942. AH beat him to the punch. Another reason Soviet losses were so incredibly high - & so much materièl was captured - was that the Red Army was jammed up against the western border prepping marshaling areas & stocking up supplies for the lunge westward.
Thanks for the link. My one concern in reading the blurb is that it seems to suggest socialism is the same as communism. While there were some "state-ists" in the early movement, none were at the level of the Marx/Engels. There were as many or more anarchists/mutualists as state-ists. Proudhon, the "Father of Anarchy" called Marx "the tapeworm in socialism" and anarchist Bakunin, who thought Proudhon didn't go far enough, compared the Peoples State of Marx to a Rothschild bank. On the main topic, not too long ago, I stumbled across an article that mentioned there were two Russian historians who had published books exposing Stalin's lies about the German invasion, much along the lines of Suvarov et al. Unfortunately, I cannot remember where I found it. I used to think Henry Ford was silly to say "History is bunk". For the past 30+ years, I'm now convinced he was correct.
Didn’t pick up the “socialism=communism” vibe from Hoffman’s work. He does call a spade a spade though.
It’s a fascinating read ;<)
You're so proud of the fact that you read the Icebreaker. Maybe it's worth reading his critics, say Isaev? http://militera.lib.ru/research/isaev_av1/index.html