This "war", which was never a war, was an exercise in strategic lunacy from the beginning. The American Empire, an atherosclerotic and moribund zombie, stupidly mounted an effort, with the contemptible clown whore Zelensky at the helm, to "degrade" Russian power, which it was clearly laughably incapable of doing. It has bankrolled this Idiot's Blood Circus that has destroyed Ukraine and its people to no purpose and has vigorously trampled on its own dick in the ludicrous process.

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You said better something I wanted to say. I weep with frustration at the utter vacuousness of American leadership. What in the holy hell did they think would happen? Did they really think were going to bring Russia under our thumb, as they tried to do in the 90s, but failed?

Serge, this is great work. Alas none of our educated institutionalized elites are capable of such reasoning and clarity of expression.

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Yes they did. They did not necessarily see a military victory by Ukraine as necessary (though I guess they thought it possible); instead a combination of sanctions and the info-war would create such chaos that the "Putin regime" would collapse. Even if it did not, Russia would be "weakened". It looks like they did not consider the scenario where the opposite would unfold. Hubris is followed by Nemesis.

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Fun fact: Arnold Schwarzenegger's father is one of the people who killed Putin's older brother. And Arnold spoke out against Russia.

The Nazis killed half of my family. In general, everyone in Russia has their own victims because of the Nazis; they destroyed entire regions here.

The new arrival of Europeans, with Nazi cosplay and all these new atrocities and promises to destroy us all, is very unifying. On the contrary, Putin is rather slowing down Russia, since he is extremely peace-loving.

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NATO – an anti-white and anti-family institution . . .

After the apocalypse of 1945, a number of global organizations have been formed with the aim of maintaining and expanding totalitarian liberalism. One of the earliest organizations formed for this purpose was the war alliance "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", or NATO, which can be seen as the military wing of globalism.

In addition to ensuring that Washington always has international support for its military campaigns, NATO as an institution is explicitly anti-white and explicitly dedicated to "racial justice" for racial aliens living in white countries. As early as 1999, NATO authored reports blaming nationalists for a number of modern problems and warning against the influence of nationalism.

In 2023, the war alliance held a summit at its headquarters in Brussels on race where the alliance's leaders pledged to fight "homogeneous attitudes" and to use NATO's "collective intelligence" for the purpose.

In fact, NATO is so dedicated to its anti-white agenda that it openly advocates that institutions must be reshaped to be "inclusive," in other words, restructured to be more anti-white, and consist of fewer white employees and executives.


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Just research the Vietnam war and you will discover all you need to know regarding the Ivy League mindset that still exist in today's elite leadership that fermented this debacle.

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“They have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. They deserve to be punished, for this is their destiny. The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred towards all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous; cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” — François-Marie Voltaire



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The Pantygone is as Corrupt as Ukraine and the FIB/CiA/Doj/ & etc Deep Statist NWO-USSA DCFerals.

Truth is the first Casualty of a Treasonous Elite.


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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative . . . Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/ukraines-azov-regiment-visits-israel-mariupol-is-our-masada/


Why Do the Ukrainians Allow Their Country to Be Completely Run by Jews? . . . https://russia-insider.com/en/why-do-ukrainians-allow-their-country-be-completely-run-jews/ri27010


Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/zelensky-biden-satanism-war-greed


Documents leaked from Soros’ “Open Society Foundation” show how the Jewish billionaire behind Hillary Clinton gave orders to the State Department and manipulated media coverage of events in Ukraine . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/09/documents-show-soros-ran-us-foreign-policy-on-post-coup-ukraine/


How Christine Lagarde, Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland Funded a Massive Ukrainian Ponzi Scheme . . . https://russia-insider.com/en/how-christine-lagarde-clinton-and-nuland-funded-massive-ukrainian-ponzi-scheme/ri27390


Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. . . . https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/02/17/jewish-corruption-in-ukraine/

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The ONE THING you need to understand about the Americans is that they are incorrigibly STUPID! Only living among them - as I did for 22 years - will allow you to grasp this. They glorify stupidity. All their TV comedy shows are based on showing how stupid they are... which Americans find very funny. There is no downside, social or otherwise, to being stupid. In fact, the Americans wear their stupidity on their sleeve. Their educational system rewards stupidity. See the movie 'Idiocracy' to get a flavour of what I'm talking about. The reason for this is simple. They are so wrapped up in the idea that they are the exceptional people and God's gift to mankind, that they don't think they need to expend any effort to improving their intellectual lot.

A despicable and contemptible people. Stay away from them. They'll only do you harm.

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Anyone who condemns an entire group is a fool. Or worse.

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Au contraire . . . Pardonne mon français . . . Je suis obligé d'écrire dans plusieurs langues parce que : 1. La plupart des gens aux États-Unis ont subi un lavage de cerveau leur faisant croire que les Juifs sont leur salut ; et 2., leur anglais est de la merde et ils ne peuvent pas rester silencieux assez longtemps pour entendre ou voir ce qui se passe évidemment autour d'eux . . . Le judéo-messianisme répand parmi nous son message empoisonné depuis près de deux mille ans. Les universalismes démocratique et communiste sont plus récents, mais ils n’ont fait que renforcer le vieux récit juif. Ce sont les mêmes idéaux.

Les idéaux transnationaux, transraciaux, transsexuels, transculturels que ces idéologies nous prêchent (au-delà des peuples, des races, des cultures) et qui sont le subsistance quotidienne de nos écoles, dans nos médias, dans notre culture populaire, à nos universités, et sur nos rues, ont fini par réduire notre identité biosymbolique et notre fierté ethnique à leur expression minimale.

Les banquiers juifs ont inondé l’Europe de musulmans et l’Amérique de déchets du tiers-monde . . . L'exil comme punition pour ceux qui prêchent la sédition devrait être rétabli dans le cadre juridique de l'Occident . . . Le judaïsme, le christianisme, et l’islam sont des cultes de mort originaires du Moyen-Orient et totalement étrangers à l’Europe et à ses peuples.

On se demande parfois pourquoi la gauche européenne s’entend si bien avec les musulmans. Pourquoi un mouvement souvent ouvertement antireligieux prend-il le parti d’une religiosité farouche qui semble s’opposer à presque tout ce que la gauche a toujours prétendu défendre ? Une partie de l’explication réside dans le fait que l’Islam et le marxisme ont une racine idéologique commune : le judaïsme.

Aucun pays ne mène sa propre course dans cette invasion parce qu’il s’agit d’un programme politique dirigé par l’ONU et piloté par les Juifs et leurs marionnettes (les politiciens). La plupart des gens ne savent tout simplement pas ou ne comprennent pas qu’il s’agit d’un programme politique. Cependant, certains parviennent à comprendre que les politiciens travaillent délibérément à importer des musulmans et à remplacer des gens, mais c'est tout, ils sont comme un ordinateur qui ne peut pas fonctionner parce que le programme ne le permet pas.


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Given he doubled down, I'd say definitely worse.

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Canadian drug addict Juden Peterstein has taken to Twitter in his criticism of the validity of Pope Francis’ Christianity . . . Never mind that Peterson is supposedly an atheist . . . and that the Popes all wear a yarmulke, and all pay homage to the Hebrew god Satan at the Wailing Wall in their obeisance to the Jews . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_xnSKHynXE

Peterson believes that the American Israeli Political Action Committee is the official religion of the United States government . . . which really isn’t that far off the mark . . . but, Peterson is also a Canadian and doesn’t have a kippa like the Pope does, so how does he get to claim he has rabbinical authority here? Maybe it’s because he’s over at the (((Daily Wire))) with Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin . . .

Peterson has a giant portrait of his favorite Jewish Bolshevik heroes who all changed their Jewish names to conceal their true ethnic identity.

It’s sort of a humorous irony that the Canadian government wants Peterson to undergo some type of 're-education' (a term that is right out of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/protocol-no-9-re-education . . .)

For years Peterson turned a blind eye to somebody like Dr. James Sears (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHvjVH0goLw) who was actually jailed for his speech . . .

For years Peterson happily collected his Canadian government paycheck, now he faces losing his government certification . . . he has advocated depriving others of their speech for ‘antisemitism’, ‘racism’, and whatever the Temple of AIPAC deems to be stochastic terrorism . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/how-the-grift-right-gimps-for-the

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Yep... always the excuses, the excuses, the excuses.... Don't worry. I've heard it all before... and then some...

Doesn't change the reality, though...

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Estic obligat a escriure en diversos idiomes perquè: 1. A la majoria de la gent dels Estats Units se'ls ha rentat el cervell perquè cregui que els jueus són la seva salvació; i 2., el seu anglès és una merda i no poden romandre en silenci el temps suficient per escoltar o veure el que òbviament passa al seu voltant . . . El judeomessianisme fa gairebé dos mil anys que escampa entre nosaltres el seu missatge verinós. Els universalismes democràtics i comunistes són més recents, però només han reforçat la vella narrativa jueva. Són els mateixos ideals.

Els ideals transnacionals, transracials, transsexuals, transculturals que aquestes ideologies ens prediquen (més enllà dels pobles, races, cultures) i que són el sosteniment diari de les nostres escoles, als nostres mitjans de comunicació, a la nostra cultura popular, a les nostres universitats, i sobre al nostres els carrers han acabat reduint la nostra identitat biosimbòlica i el nostre orgull ètnic a la seva mínima expressió.

Els banquers jueus han inundat Europa amb musulmans i Amèrica amb escombraries del tercer món . . . L'exili com a càstig per als que predicen la sedició s'hauria de restablir dins el marc legal d'Occident . . . El judaisme, el cristianisme i l'islam són cultes a la mort originats a l'Orient Mitjà i totalment aliens a Europa i als seus pobles.

De vegades ens preguntem per què l'esquerra europea es porta tan bé amb els musulmans. Per què un moviment sovint obertament antireligiós es posa del costat d'una religiositat ferotge que sembla oposar-se a gairebé tot allò que l'esquerra sempre ha pretès defensar? Part de l'explicació rau en el fet que l'islam i el marxisme tenen una arrel ideològica comuna: el judaisme.


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Having lived in the USA most of my life and elsewhere everything Richard said is flat out a lie. How can someone live amongst people for 22 years and still be so judgmental, ignorant and condemning to a immensely diverse group of people.

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Gays for Palestine?

Allah Fagbar!

The only differences between kosher and halal are . . . #1...in kosher slaughter, the rabbi must fellatiate all the male animals, this has a calming effect... for the rabbi... #2...in halal slaughter, the imam must lick the anus of the animal, this makes the imam slightly more agitated.


"A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine." — Ayatollah Khomeini, Tahrirolvasyleh, vol. 4, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990


If the Israelis are “God’s chosen people,” as they say, then God will protect them and doesn’t need the United States to . . . their Golden Calf has Grown up to be a hollow Bronze Bull . . .

It was the Jews who gave the communists their first atomic bomb . . . so, any rational solution to Islam would include a final solution to the Jewish question as well . . . If the Iranians nuke Israel, the Palestinian filth also dies in the fallout . . . peace at last . . . karma is a bitch.

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If you've lived there "most of [my] life", you have clearly been indoctrinated with American crap. You are beyond hope. May God have mercy on your soul...

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@Paul Edwards


"It has bankrolled this Idiot's Blood Circus that has destroyed Ukraine and its people to no purpose"

Au contraire. There was a purpose- And it was accomplished. Values of many MIC stocks were greatly enhanced as were their sales & quarterly profits, the money suck formerly justified by Afghanistan was continued and EXPANDED rather than that 20+ year long free ride for the MIC ending due to horrible, horrible peace breaking out.

USA/western controlled hydrocarbon fuels increased in demand & price, with several ex customers of Russian supplied fuels forced to switch to brand USA AND pay exorbitant prices.

European competitors to USA industrial manufacturers were permanently given a price handicap from having to overpay for USA controlled energy, allowing USA to re industrialize and expand production + raise prices & increase profits/stock values.

You just have to look at this all from the correct point of view, the view point of accountants employed by the truly important people, our ownership class.

The war is going Just FINE, if judged by their standards. Of course, their interests COULD be served even BETTER soon. All we need is to open a 2nd front!

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Yes if take the bourgeois capitalist empire view it’s all about getting the stuff

Determining zones of influence

See VI Lenin Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism 1916

Hobson Imperialism 1913

All old stuff

The song doesn’t change just the singer

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How about you edit that for coherence and get back to me?

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“I fear the Jewish bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance.” ― Otto Von Bismark . . .



Bolshevism and Jewry are two words for the same thing. Peace is Bolshevism’s worst enemy, which it must destroy in order to realize its plans for world domination. Thus, Bolshevism’s ever-repeated life and death declarations of battle against the whole of the world become all too understandable.




We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.



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I see an argument that this stupid adventurism has reinvigorated and augmented the russian regime.

The clever types didn't wargame for this outcome

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Oh, man! It's raining tonight here in Savannah, but now I have 20+ pages of Big Serge Thought to read, so I don't feel so bad about staying inside. Yahoo!

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My greetings to Savannah, the most beautiful city in North America!

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Clearly, Sir, you are well informed. Which, I assume, is the reason why we both appreciate Big Serge.

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South Georgia boy here. My people defended Georgia against a certain brutal army a while back.

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I'm one of those dreaded Yankee transplants in these here parts. Prior to that brutal army taking the field, my people unsuccessfully pushed the Wilmot Proviso to ban slavery in territories acquired during the Mexican-American War.

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You and Simplicius. The only actual analysis out here in the fake news world. Excellent job sir!

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Simplicius is a cowardly fag.

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A topic that is not widely discussed is that at the core of the West's inability to produce is the lack of raw materials, including energy. For example, making ammonia for explosives is done usually by Haber-Bosch process which requires lots of energy. No Nord Stream means Rheinmetal will have to increase prices. And by the way, it's not that easy and cheap to build and maintain such facilities - Australia for example, a mining and energy giant, imports a large share of its mining explosives from Russia, despite having abundance of raw materials to produce their own.

Same with ammunition for small arms - before the Unkraine war, ".....roughly 40 percent of the ammunition sold in the U.S. originates from Russian sources. Gun owners have become reliant on the ability of companies such as Wolf, Tula and Barnaul to provide reasonably-priced ammunition to the marketplace"

Source: https://www.gunsandammo.com/editorial/russian-ammo-imports-banned-halted/424581

I don't have much time to spend on this, but I'm pretty sure the same applies for artillery systems (they need lots of special steel and alloys produced in Russia), various combat vehicles and aviation equipment (titanium is mostly produced in Russia). I'm also certain that if there's war in the Pacific, the US won't be able to replace the lost ships as it closes its shipyards and buys most ships it needs from China and Korea.

That's what happens when you allow Harward educated shills, who only care about share prices, to run your economy.

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Very good point! I thought in the beginning that it's a checkmate from Putin and the other strategic thinkers in the Kremlin, simply because they ramped up significantly the commodities production since 2014. The two Alexanders from the Duran made very good points regarding that direction in the early days of the war.

Russia has about 40-50 important commodities with a world market share of 20 up to 70%. Everything in the range of iron, nickel, aluminum, uranium, wheat, etc etc. Important in that sense that they are relevant for logistics and production capacities also energy consumption or relevant food stuff. In the end the "real" economy mostly prevails, which is not a financial market casino which is now bound for a reset.

I am thinking the West will go down either a long inflation/recession street for at least 10 years or we will hit a hyperinflation smackdown. I am not quite sure which road will be more rough, could be both in the end. Till the mining/production capacities in Australia, Canada, USA are ramped up, it will take at least 5-10 years for most commodities. I am not quite sure our "leaders" know this, me thinks they don't even care. But most of them will care at some point, their salaries are also devalued.

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Their salaries are next to irrelevant given the inside look at market actions they're privy to, and create themselves in many cases. There's a reason so many politicians make their fortunes while in office.

I think their hubris has them believing they can personally stay ahead of the economic fallout, so I believe you're correct in that they don't know the long-term repercussions of this entire debacle. And, on the off chance they do know, they only care insomuch as it affects them personally.

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There's something in the Bible about what the enemy intended for evil being turned into good by God.

Russia has grown stronger and more independent of the West, the opposite result of what was intended.

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Bad things happen when you let Victoria Nuland run things….

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that's the point: '..let run..'

we have to stop letting politicians run things. they are simply not fit for purpose. they are anachronisms from a time before internet, before 'universal cyber suffrage' to coin a term perhaps or 'universal digital suffrage' as some say.

It's not a meme yet.

It hasn't 'gone viral'. But when the concept does firnally go viral: Bang ! World wide phase shift. Different world. All the phoney poncers strutting the world stage and the halls of power will be looking for work..

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Haven't seen or heard from Vicky in a while. Did she join a kosher Weight Watchers or a fat farm?

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Up to no good wherever she is…

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You are my favourite commentator/author on this war.

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At the end of the day, the best way to defeat propaganda is to just let the truth of the matter speak for itself.

That is good communication - and the troops that communicate most effectively, almost always prevail on the field of battle.

Odessa beckons.

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I'm sorry, mate, but the truth does not work. Too many people receive the "perceived wisdom" and believe it. We've just had four years of the covid "perceived wisdom" andpeople are not even willing to accept the trickle of REAL truth coming from the MSM. Why? To accept the REAL truth is to admit that they, the "believers," have been fooled. It takes a brave man to accept that he has been made out to be a fool.......

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Uhhh....ok, if that is your view - can we agree to disagree?

(come on - the truth always prevails - its just it ain't necessarily "human truth"....)



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The Jewish god, the locust master, the one who drowned the world?

We Can't Afford Healthcare for American Children Because We Must Keep Bombing Everyone Else's for the Love of Jesus and Israel . . .

We Must Outlaw abortion . . . Jesus Needs More Babies for His War Machine . . .


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This is a serious place for discussing matters of military movements. Take your triggering words and give them to somebody else and sorry for this disruption.

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Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . .

After US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was telling everyone the army is full of bad white men, now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men?

Good luck with that Secretary Austin, keep your head down when the shooting starts here.

I was an O4, I'm 6'8", squat a little over 600 pounds, I'm strong enough to literally cram my fist up your ass and rip our guts out.

Fuck you and your Jewish god.

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I have no idea to whom you are speaking cause it can't be me....but I agree with most of what you express - so focus your energy on the cause and don't let yourself get triggered even if you can squat a ton - cause ranged weaponry destroys dimwits 8 days a weak and you ain't a dimwit are you?


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Oh, I don't know. Every day I read in the press how Ukraine is really winning....

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"Odessa beckons."

Is this a glorification of the May 2nd massacre?

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Control of ports on the north coast of the Black Sea at this moment in history is desirable for Russia and with attention presently elsewhere, the time to secure Odessa beckons if it is ever going to happen (I reckon?).

However, the patience of The Bear has been stalwart and formidable....so who knows what happens next...it is evident though that the *kraine is no more - a defeated place.


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For Russia, the main thing is that there is no Nazi regime and NATO near the borders. Territories are outside the formula; they mean nothing in this context.

If Finland itself does not leave NATO, they will also be destroyed, and perhaps much more harshly than the Ukrainian Nazis.

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Pardonne mon français . . . Va te faire foutre toi et ton dieu juif . . . Le judéo-messianisme répand parmi nous son message empoisonné depuis près de deux mille ans. Les universalismes démocratique et communiste sont plus récents, mais ils n’ont fait que renforcer le vieux récit juif. Ce sont les mêmes idéaux.

Les idéaux transnationaux, transraciaux, transsexuels, transculturels que ces idéologies nous prêchent (au-delà des peuples, des races, des cultures) et qui sont le subsistance quotidienne de nos écoles, dans nos médias, dans notre culture populaire, à nos universités, et sur nos rues, ont fini par réduire notre identité biosymbolique et notre fierté ethnique à leur expression minimale.

Les banquiers juifs ont inondé l’Europe de musulmans et l’Amérique de déchets du tiers-monde . . . L'exil comme punition pour ceux qui prêchent la sédition devrait être rétabli dans le cadre juridique de l'Occident . . . Le judaïsme, le christianisme, et l’islam sont des cultes de mort originaires du Moyen-Orient et totalement étrangers à l’Europe et à ses peuples.

On se demande parfois pourquoi la gauche européenne s’entend si bien avec les musulmans. Pourquoi un mouvement souvent ouvertement antireligieux prend-il le parti d’une religiosité farouche qui semble s’opposer à presque tout ce que la gauche a toujours prétendu défendre ? Une partie de l’explication réside dans le fait que l’Islam et le marxisme ont une racine idéologique commune : le judaïsme.

Aucun pays ne mène sa propre course dans cette invasion parce qu’il s’agit d’un programme politique dirigé par l’ONU et piloté par les Juifs et leurs marionnettes (les politiciens). La plupart des gens ne savent tout simplement pas ou ne comprennent pas qu’il s’agit d’un programme politique. Cependant, certains parviennent à comprendre que les politiciens travaillent délibérément à importer des musulmans et à remplacer des gens, mais c'est tout, ils sont comme un ordinateur qui ne peut pas fonctionner parce que le programme ne le permet pas.


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Now imagine if Newsweek or Time were running articles of this quality...wouldn't the world be a different place?

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Or if we had antigravity

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Yes is the answer. Yes - the world would be a different place.

Conclusion to be reached - the media, the legacy media - it is compromised and worthless - it is propaganda no doubt about it.

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Anyone assigned to draw up a battle plan for Avdivka would be court martialed if they came up with anything other than “seize the high ground at the start of the campaign, interdict the supply routes, choke out the defenders.” But I read in Forbes, from a guy who doesn’t otherwise sound like a complete idiot, that there is no Russian strategy, it’s just human waves of conscripts for no reason.

This American arrogance is based on nothing. We’ve not won a war since 1945. I don’t think we’d last for a month if we were actually attacked by a real army with guns and not just colorful flags.

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Well, Desert Storm was a pretty clear win... depending on what you think the diplomatic goals were.

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Well, in much the same way Russia defeated Georgia.

It is easy to fight against countries that do not have the minimum modern weapons. There is no honor here.

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Nonetheless it is still a win.

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Well, if I beat a child or a girl in a race, I won’t tell everyone how cool I am.

Russia is destroying united Europe for the third time, it is cool :)

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You should stay away from children.

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Not bragging, just stating facts.

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Then I suppose you should include Grenada.

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If I understand correctly, we bought off the military leaders of what was not even close to a peer rival.

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Not talking about 2003. Talking about 1991.

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Oops...03 was something freedom!

Otoh you could say '91 was quit while you're ahead. And that '03 was finish the job

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Yeah, that is why I put the caveat, "depending on what you think the diplomatic goals were" in there. The HW Bush administration was actually pretty vague and all over the map as to what its diplomatic goals actually were. Swinging between removing Saddam to just getting him out of Kuwait. The terms upon which Bush formed the coalition and by which he got UN approval was strictly to remove Saddam from Kuwait. The US got him out of Kuwait and weakened his ability to influence politics in the Middle East. So, yeah, kind of depends on how you look at it.

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Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . .

After US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was telling everyone the army is full of bad white men, now the Army is doing ads begging for more young white men?

Any white man stupid enough to fight a war for that fat curry nigger deserves his fate.

Looks like Don Rumsfeld was right with the comment ‘Europe has shifted on its axis’, the wrong side won WW2, and it is becoming clearer with each and every day . . . What has NATO done to defend Europe???


My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh, or in some ethereal Teutonic boogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels, and Tel Aviv. Heil Hitler.

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Difficult to answer that question (was desert storm a “win”) without first addressing the question of what the diplomatic goals really were. WMD was a lie. Removing Saddam didn’t lead to Our Democracy colonizing Iraq, so that stated goal was a failure. Axis of evil didn’t exist so that is at best a draw.

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I think Alaska is vulnerable and that is why America ought sell that back to Russia.

Not kidding....

I suspect those in Alaska could give a shit either way - especially the indigenous folks, but odds are they would fare better under Russia's jurisdiction versus the crazy dc politicos who obviously have gone insane in postmodernist absurdity.

So, from a practical standpoint, why not just sell it back to Russia versus having a needless war over the cold place.

Meanwhile - the dc swamp continues to settle further down into the soaking ground and the ignominy is over the top and that always spells the end of a place calls itself exceptional - exceptional my ass.

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I'm not sure that the underdog theory mentioned at the beginning hits the nail on the head. I also have a soft spot for underdogs. But that is precisely the reason why my sympathies were with Russia right from the start. In geostrategic terms, Russia has been the underdog over the past 30 years, treated as a schoolboy by the West, bullied and marginalised. And yes, it is simply satisfying to see how the supposed underdog asserts itself and manages to present the bully to the world public with its trousers sawed off. Something that is necessary and good for the global community and probably even for the bully himself.

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Yes and No. That's because Ukraine is framed by MSM as a small country, fighting an evil giant. As long people believe in this narrative they see Ukraine as the underdog but Russia.

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The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia.

It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.


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Bravo! Well said

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Surely, this is the definitive article on the topic.

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Not Maddow or Nicole Wallace lol?

The senile imbecile in the Oval Office has gotten us in quite a mess.

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You give him too much credit. Our entire rotten bureaucracy had a hand in this malevolent endeavor. I refuse to permit the underbelly of the kakistocracy to hide themselves while the pant-shitter-in-chief takes all the blame.

They all deserve the blame and consequences.

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nope. we were in a mess. which is how he got put there. and we are a mess. which is how come he stays there. and we plan to remain a mess which is why we look for someone else to take his place and think that will somehow fix the mess that is us.

the answer is in this new concept 'universal cyber suffrage', or 'digital suffrage', or whatever: i.e. the new awesome power of the people that no one has woken up to as yet.

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In the Shadow of War: Ukraine as the Great Reset of the Global Tech Elite . . .



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Excellent. Intelligent, incredibly informed, logical, wise. Congratulations Big Serge.

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I distinctly remember the western commentariat promoting the hypothesis that Russian forces would flee at the first sight of Leopard 2s and Bradleys. That seems to have been the operative assumption of the "counteroffensive".

I believe Prigozhin's little pride parade was meant to coincide with the hypothetical Russian retreat in the face of "superior western armor" and create regime change in Russia.

This think tank strategy was supposed to be the highly technical maneuver that would defeat the much stronger opponent. Clearly, it has failed spectacularly, and the US is left trying to salvage as much as possible as the logic of industrial warfare plays out inexorably towards Russian victory and a strategic defeat of NATO.

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That is pretty well my take. There was and probably still is a lot of Nazi era type racism around the NATO assessments of the Russian military's capabilities and morale and the "superiority" of NATO trained and equipped forces.

Personally I never thought the offensive had a chance and would come to grief in fire traps within multi-layered defensive positions. I did however think the UAF would do better than they did, advance further and faster, and be able to claim a PR victory. As it happened they managed much less than I expected. And I would not have predicted that having failed and failed again, they would carry on and self-destruct.

I am baffled really about how a few amateur bloggers can logically and sensibly predict likely outcomes when the best intelligence services that money can buy do appear to be able to do so. There has been a massive intelligence failure and this lies at the heart of the failed offensive and indeed the entirety of Project Ukraine. Since the West won the Cold War, we appear to have lost our ability to critically assess matters and simply believe our own BS and propaganda.

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Well, 80 years ago the same thing happened. When you attacked Russia, but were so filled with Goebbels' lies that you believed in it and relied on it.

The current Western propaganda is a development of Goebbels' ideas (total all-encompassing lies) and it really effectively turns controlled people into zombies, but it also forces them to make mistakes. Russia has stood and stands thanks to the fact that it does not stray far from the truth, and its propaganda is based on real cases.

Thanks to this war, I understood why Russia was called Holy.

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I had to smile at this comment. At first I was going to say that "I" have never invaded Russia. However then I realised I have done so hundreds of times as both a wargamer and games designer. 99% of the time an attacker comes to grief. But a close study of the mind-set of the Nazi regime pre the attack reveals many similarities between that war and the NATO assessments with this one.

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If you live in Europe or the USA, then you invaded Russia and are responsible for genocide. Sorry.

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No, I was born over 20 years after the event and so were 99% of the current population of the world. Not my doing. I'm not responsible for the sins of my fathers. Or my sons. Or anyone else. Just my own acts or omissions.

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In particular, for the Russians, the capture of Avdeevka also means that it will be more difficult for the Nazis to shoot at Donetsk and other cities. This is one of the priorities.

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Genocide is happening right now. Since 2014.

The same Nazis are doing the same thing they did 80 years ago. The bulk of them were killed over the past year, but before that they managed to commit a lot of atrocities with the full support of Europe and the USA, just like 80 years ago (then only Europe).

This whole war “to the last Ukrainian”, which is organized by Zionists, Europeans and Nazis, is the literal destruction of Russians in a vast region.

The Nazis carry out massive daily terrorist attacks, blow up water sources and even bombard nuclear power plants, risking another Chernobyl.

Due to British propaganda, the effect has decreased somewhat, but a year ago one could ask a simple question: “Is it acceptable to rape a child in front of the mother, for her interrogation - on camera?”

ANY supporter of Russia responded that this was unacceptable, and then found out the context.

NOT ONE supporter of Ukraine said that this was unacceptable. The answer options are different (this is propaganda, this is you, this is a lie, and so on), although the question is very simple. Because those who support Ukraine know that the Heroes of Ukraine did this en masse.

Do you think the Europeans in the 1940s were more interested in what their soldiers and weapons were doing in the east than you?

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Any society that loses the ability to tell simple truths will have leadership that reflects those qualities. Not only have simple truths become illegal (which would solve simple problems) but complex truths have become illegal too. Now imagine what kind of fallout is awaiting to such a society. Every lie is a debt to the future.

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"I am baffled really about how a few amateur bloggers can logically and sensibly predict likely outcomes when the best intelligence services that money can buy do appear to be able to do so."

Maybe because politicized intel is like politicized medicine. They believe their own propaganda and kill and injure people as a consequence.

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Yes, Marc, I agree. I keep coming across you and suspect you are, like me, an amateur milblogger. I am an armchair warlord, armed only with a laptop. On 24th Feb 2022 I was confident that the Russian military would prevail in Ukraine. I didn't expect the huge influx of weapons, but it still wasn't enough, and I was flabbergasted as to how useless most NATO weapons were (I knew about the Patriot and thought the Leo 2 overrated but...).

When all the Western LSM were predicting the summer "CounterOffensive" would win, I wondered what they were smoking: getting through 30 km of defence works, without air support and very much outgunned in artillery. I knew it would fail, and after seeing the Bradley/Leopard graveyard on Day 1, if I'd been in charge I'dve called it off.

The rulers and their PMC (professional managerial class/caste, which includes intel specialists) seem all to be insane, psychotic and incompetent. This won't end well.

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I also expected the Ukrainian offensive to achieve more than it has. At one point I was actually quite worried that the defense was going so well that they would cut it short and turtle up in a defensive posture, but that concern has clearly been unfounded.

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I've only read the first paragraph so far, but I just had to stop and say how much I appreciate a correct use of the word "immanence".

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yes. i had to look it up just to be sure.

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Saying this war is the work of "Joe Biden" is like saying Ronald McDonald makes hamburgers. Whoever is actually in the back cooking up the delusional but sadistic policies of NATO and the US needs to answer for the barbarous butchery on display here.

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Nice. Great descriptive comparison.

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Reading this inevitable denouement of Joe Biden’s signature foreign policy initiative just raises the unfortunate question of whether he, or Sullivan, or Kirby, or Blinken or Winkin or Nod have any kind of Plan B. Unfortunately, as the Magic 8 Ball is prone to say, “All signs point to No”. Fly over and give Z a big hug and hope it cheers him up?

For three decades, we pursued a policy of confronting Russia, of pushing NATO up to their border, of waving what we assumed was the biggest dick in the world around like a magic wand.

Turns out, as often happens, it wasn’t quite as big as we thought it was. So, now what? We were going to be killing Russians on the cheap, for pennies on the dollar, with this proxy war. Now we’ve exhausted the West’s stockpiles, poked the bear and riled it up, and now it is angry and looking bemusedly at our troubles in meeting recruitment quotas for our woke armies.

I watched a movie as a kid set in the Crimean war (Charge of the Light Brigade, of course). I remember the animated opening sequence where a lion is sleeping while a bear walks over and starts molesting a turkey. The Lion awakes and roars....

I think the bear is well set up to return the favor....

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"Russians on the cheap, for pennies on the dollar, with this proxy war."

And Iraqi oil was going to pay for that trillion+ dollar catastrophe.

It's not that they never learn. It's that they learn the wrong lessons from their failures. Probably because they still get richer while we get stuck with the bill.

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