Excellent, clear and logical narrative as usual. I essentially shut myself off from our Western media regarding this war several months ago.

There is a reason Germany is not currently ok-ing those Leopard tanks. I watched the BBC live reporting on the Ramstein meeting and just shook my head at the crass and ill-informed BBC reports breathlessly going on about Germany stopping the use of tanks which would help Ukraine to "win this war". The BBC is now just a shill rag for every woke issue under the sun and its cretinous reporting of the Ukraine war.

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BBC used to be my "go to" news source but a few years ago I realized how insipid they are with propaganda even on shows as harmless as "Country file ". They peddle and reinforce the globalist agendas for "climate crisis " which any thinking person realizes is utter bull s*** . So if they lie on innocent shows about farming and the environment, what are they doing on geopolitics? 100% lies and deceit and following the "Geopolitical Pivot of History " by Halford Mackinder (1904), i.e., Russia is the enemy as it contains all the natural resources and wealth of Eurasia and the West wants it. So Russia must be destroyed. The cabal of bankers in the City of London have run the West since the Battle of Waterloo.

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It sometimes seems to me that if the City of London and Wall St, were removed from Earth, the planet would be better off.

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Only sometimes?

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When I first write a reply, it is usually sweary violent hatred, so I reign it in and try to temper my responses, so as never to give them the "he was inciting violence" option.

That said.

Fuck them all.

With oversized, radioactive, molten lava and razor blade, suppositories.

I feel better now.

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Every day!

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Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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A few hypersonic non-nuke missiles directed at those 2 locations would do us all a world of good.

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It’s not a lie if you truly believe. It’s a lot more like faith, but in place of God, they bow to expertise.

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Science and objectivity are not about believing they are about proving. Belief is thinking something is true because you have no evidence it's not true. Religion is like that but Investigative journalism is not.

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Science if full of subjective beliefs. Scientists recognize that they only understand roughly 5% of the universe--but they assign labels to the remaining 95% in order create an idea of control over it. Their objectivity is not very good at times.

As with all endeavors, it varies with the individual. It's worth noting that scientists are as prone to being "bought" as politicians. Such is life and human nature.

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"Dark Matter" as an an example of such labels. Meaning we haven't got a very good grasp with the existing Physics as to the real architecture of the cosmos.

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Exactly. Some day we will....but as you point out, not yet.

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No I'm sorry it's not. There are exceptions who call themselves scientists who have sold out for whatever reasons. What you're describing is how human nature interferes with the scientific method, not science. You're confusing the two.

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"Sold out" is a very subjective term. The important thing to understand is that the "scientific method" ("science") is a tool and nothing more. It was created by men and is always subject to human nature and failings.

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Science is conducted by humans hence the problem.

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Amen. Waiting for science to acknowledge how little we truly know.

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The entire Western media is guilty of the same thing. Throughout this entire disaster, I haven't seen a single report of Ukrainian casualties. It's all Russia is losing badly.

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The BBC! They should have a ‘state sponsored media’ designation. And I speak as a native who had some respect for it before it became politicised. It has always had a bias but from the time of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party it lost all objectivity. Dangerous times. Those who know, know...

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CommercialPrivateEquitybbc was always an establishment mouthpiece but in the 90s it became an unapologetic creature of the regime.

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The German refusal is also found in the fact that they don't want to lose their tank clients to the US. If the Poles 'give' their Leopards to the Ukraine than they will buy Murican crap back and, hence the German weapon industry loses another client.

I agree with X75 on his compliments for this article. I have quitted the Western press/propaganda a while ago. The constant lying authorities make the West unbearable.

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BBC = Buggering British Children

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A great article. But I do have some reservations as I write here:


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You might as well ask the same of the U.S.,Uk,Germany, France, Canada, Australia, New Zea, Ireland, Italy, Espana,or South Africa.

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We must outlaw abortion, because Jesus Needs More Babies for His War Machine . . .



We can’t afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else’s for the love of Jesus and Israel . . .

“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther



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Thanks! Another interesting read and analysis. It definitely seems like the media has been quieter lately with the "Ukraine is WINNING!" narrative, but I do see the occasional story here and there. Russia's victory is inevitable, and I think anyone with a brain could see that from the beginning. It's unfortunate that the US, and other countries, decided to prop up Ukraine with billions of dollars, and loads of weapons. Ultimately, the end result is the same, and many, many more lives will have been lost along the way.

OTOH, the warmongers and their corporations are making lots of $$$$, so I guess it's easy to see why they persist.

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The Russians initially misjudged the situation and attempted to to take out the corruptocrats in Kiev on the cheap with a limited operation. Reality has set in and the real war of destroying Ukraine’s army is well underway.

I recall that many Germans were surprised in 1945 by the arrival of the red army at their doorstep.

Propaganda eventually collides with reality.

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The real war of destroying US-UK Neocon-Toff hegemony in NATO and EU is well underway. Lavrov: Russia is "sobering up" European nations regarding their aseity in national sovereignty and territorial integrity, in effect, "Snap out of your grinding vassalage to US-UK Neocons-Toffs."

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Ilhan Omar (D-MN) i Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) tenen tot el dret a dir el que vulguin sobre Israel i el genocidi dels palestins com a membres electes de la Cambra de Representants dels EUA; mai van jurar servir Israel . . .

Vaig votar perquè Ron Desantis (R-FL) fos governador de Florida, no ambaixador a Israel.

El recentment destituït president de la Cambra de Representants dels Estats Units, el congressista Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), que va requerir almenys una dotzena de vots de la Cambra per ser elegit president, va visitar Israel immediatament després de la seva elecció, dient a la Knesset israeliana que els Estats Units estan fermament compromesos per donar suport a Ucraïna en la seva guerra contra Rússia.

També era candidat a president de la Knesset israeliana?

Després de la seva expulsió . . . McCarthy (R-CA) va tornar a viatjar a l'estranger, aquesta vegada a Anglaterra, i va expressar un obert menyspreu pels republicans blancs que formen la majoria del GOP i va elogiar els demòcrates per la seva diversitat durant un debat a Oxford després de la seva expulsió.

Ara és candidat a primer ministre del Regne Unit?

Malgrat tot, és lliure d'anar a visites mediàtiques atacant els blancs i fent pressió per Israel, ja que ara ha dimitit de la Cambra de Representants dels Estats Units . . . Només puc concloure que la ira col·lectiva de RINO contra l'expresident McCarthy es tracta dels israelians que van segrestar la màquina de guerra de l'estat profund nord-americà.

Això s'ha fet tan dolorosament obvi, sobretot quan algú com Nikki Haley ones el dit i li crida per sobre a Vivek Ramaswamy durant un debat presidencial a la televisió nacional en directe quan les preguntes sobre aquesta guerra d'Ucraïna contra Rússia i qualsevol menció d'Israel estan preocupades pel fet que el govern dels Estats Units ha esdevingut una subsidiària de propietat total del Comitè d'Acció Política Americano-Israelí.


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I don't think the Russians fully understood that NATO was going to interject themselves into the conflict to the extent which they have, few did

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Not in total agreement with you. Putins been preparing militarily and financially. Build up of military assets and a quick pivot from SWIFT. I think he was ready.

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Agree, tho nobody or any nation is ever truly "ready" for war. It is like Mercury, impossible to nail down and to forecast it with any great accuracy.

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Doug Macgregor agrees with you on this point. FWIW, I do not. I'm going to assume Russian MOD General Staff did their contingency planning as they are supposed to do -- to include use of nukes -- and so reported to Putin. MOD and/or Putin decided to ramp up slowly in order to give US-UK-NATO a chance to see the light without going all the way to the end of the tunnel. This is the famous Russian patience to which Lavrov referred, self-deprecatingly, early in this drama. Bismarck also remarked it ("Russians are slow to harness, quick to ride."). Kerch bridge attack and US-UK-Poland attack against Germany -- Nord-Streams -- demonstrated that patience waiting for reason would not avail, the enemy -- US-UK -- would have to be destroyed on the battlefield.

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In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.

Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.

And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males?

What happened?

Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, while Globohomo diversity brigades go door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before . . .

With the borders of Europe and the USA wide open, civil warfare within the USA, Britain, and most of Europe is a certainty if foreign wars are initiated. Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for that kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley, and I mean nobody.

Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .


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Jan 22, 2023
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OK, first, Doug spells his surname "Macgregor," and second, when I see a human being referenced with the word "that," I assume a bot or a humanoid illiterate wrote the comment or spoke it. Third, bots communicate with flinty finality, without normal human sympathetics, and without reference to simple facts, as occur in this comment of "yours." When did the agency turn you on and set you cruising? What are your other "names?"

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He's a well-known Substack troll; I've seen him on Taibbi and Greenwald sites, always the 1000% self-assured contrarian.

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Rick, thanks much!

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Um the Swedes stated there was no evidence that "OMG Russia did it!", but by all means carry on anyway, I assume next you'll cite Trump's proven Russia collusion or that Hunter receiving CCP money (um they have the FedWire receipts) is also the "Russian disinformation campaign" that the 51 CIA spooks said it was. Oh, and Orange Man Bad, he so bad, yes yes yes we all prefer war, crime, and inflation under Biden instead of the peace and prosperity we had under The Horrible One

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Jan 22, 2023
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? The Biden regime's very first act was to erase the border with Mexico. Can you kindly name a single American citizen this benefits? Is this what you mean by "America First policy"? Admitting hundreds of thousands of lawbreakers, with an average 4th grade education, only 20% of whom speak English, so they can use our schools, hospitals, roads, jobs etc? Or maybe you feel that the Keystone pipeline cancellation was "America First"? DOE now saying it cost 86,000 jobs. Or maybe it was the fire sale of the strategic petroleum reserve? Or was it sending the FBI to the homes of Moms who expressed opinions about their children's education at their local school board? Or perhaps the Biden regime pushing for the WHO to go from "advisory" to "mandatory"? Kindly name a *single* WHO recommendation that was not a disastrous failure. Maybe Biden's destruction of the relationship with the Saudis that was "America First"? Or perhaps forcing Russia and China to be new best friends? I know, I know, it must be Pete Buttgig's tearing down of all those racist highways, yeah, that's it, America First! Please.

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Having followed this horrid affair very closely for most of one year, using Russian, Ukrainian and Western sources, your analysis seems logical and factual to me. Thanks for putting all this together in such a coherent, well-written essay.

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Thank You, Big Serge, for more useful and constructive analysis.

Russia has a great advantage that the west is depleting munitions and equipment into a situation that can only grind them up, tragically, along with conscripted Ukrainian men, who are slaves-of-war.

The vast potential of Russian reserve threatens any offensive action by the west with sudden and humiliating defeat. The west pays the price of depleting it's military equipment to maintain the propaganda war at home, which is not thriving, but is merely maintained as a rented fiction.

Meanwhile, the US has hit its budgetary limits, which always take a long time to work out, as the $US is looking more and more like a lame-duck global reserve currency, and attention is drawn to the China-Saudi relationship, now including other gulf states, and with Iran already working with Russia, China, Venezuela, and India and Turkey playing as free-agents.

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Brilliant reply as that is exactly what is happening.

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Fantastic analysis. Russia will win. I'm hoping Poland is stupid enough to feed their current generation of young people into the Russian meat grinder after it destroys Ukraine. It would be good to shut the bellicose Polish voices up for another generation or two or more. They think they have power and protection with NATO? Think again - they are just another expendable country that America wants between itself and having to deal with Russia in battle. They know they can't match Russia in Eurasia yet they comtine to destroy other countries and lives with their stupid games. The US State Depatment NeoCons should be held accountable - all of them - for the countless deaths and misery they have caused.

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Against your hopes, the Poles are cunning enough this time. They have decided to supply some worn-out granddads to the meat grinder: https://www.cgm.pl/news/kuba-sienkiewicz-dostal-wezwanie-do-wojska/

Jakub Sienkiewicz (*1961; a prominent rock musician, and neurologist by profession): "I have received my call-up papers. They are now drawing from the 1961 generation. I am well pleased with that. It was a very good year. With great combat value. We shall make it. Just as in 1939," he laughs.

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Good God it's worse than I thought! Merci!

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Jan 22, 2023
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You have to look at the big picture. The west is not valuable anymore. The dollar to be replaced. This war is not about Russia fighting Ukraine.

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Jan 22, 2023
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I've never seen an idiot like you on the internet before. Which in itself is already an authentic madhouse. Congrats.

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AI (yes, it "writes") trollbot in action, tested and confirmed. You are just giving feedback to the puppet masters busily working on the algorithm.

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China, reverse engineer? They have nothing on Russia in that - Russians (with some Ukrainian help) are capable of reverse engineering Chicago in less than five minutes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_torOTK5qc

Also, you might want to check for delusional vibes in your environment.

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"My suggestion would simply be that NATO does not believe in Ukrainian victory."

Either that or they're saving their tanks for the entry of NATO troops directly into the war. It will be hard politically for them to accept Ukraine's defeat and back down at this point.

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I don't know about that. It's not like they haven't had loads of practice, starting in Korea, with packing up & moving on.

They've already got sights set on Taiwan.

And with zombie Biden, they have a sacrificial goat ready to take the fall.

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Honestly, I hope you're correct but usually the "moving on" is accompanied by a large number of deaths. And if you aren't right, we may all need some SPF 10,000 sunscreen.

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Oh, there are definitely a few nutcases (looking at you, Lindsey) who want to end life on earth rather than have their crimes unearthed.

I pray for sanity to prevail. Most criminals choose life. And however stupid they may be, at least some recognize that all the sunscreen in the universe won't protect them.

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Jan 20, 2023
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"Everyone knows..."

Not the idiots flying blue & yellow flags.

Just like the large contingent of dems refuse to recognize the death-jabs for what they are, there are many otherwise reasonable people who think Poopypants runs something other than direrear...

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Jan 20, 2023
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I'll give you "everyone with half a brain knows..." 😁

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"It sends up a listening boom which, in coordination with a few ground componants, is able to locate enemy guns through seismic and acoustic detection."

Funny, that. When I spent two years in the Bundewehr in the late 1960s, I trained as a surveyor for a Sound Measuring Battery, part of an artillery Batallion, using earth microphones. Their position was exactly defined by our surveys, and from their position then the origin of enemy fire was triangulated. Advanced observers, who had to get close enough to the enemy to then observe the impact from out self propelled artillery, where trained to act without support for a prolonged time, including the ability to withstand some interrogation methods.

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That's funny, too. I did the same in the early 90s. Still using the old Unimogs by then. But the range was limited 7-14km and it didn't work great for rocket artillery. But being a passive system, chances of enemy detection were better than for the green archer radar location system .

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Your reflection on the complexity of supplying Ukraine with many different types of tanks does not take into account the possibility that they are operated by NATO "volunteers". No need for training for Ukrainians

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Schelling Points. I recall a statement by a significant official in the USA a year or two after 9/11 (apologies, can't remember his name) who indicated that the Bush administration (namely, Vice-President Dick Cheney), behind the scenes and unbeknownst to most, had inserted into the Federal bureaucracy (intelligence agencies, security, the courts, State Department, Treasury, etc) literally hundreds of people favourable to the neo-con ideology to the point that the government would likely never be rid of them - when you think of the Federal bureaucracy, think Deep State. Cheney was obviously aware of the Schelling Points concept and exercised it competently. We see the effects of that "coup" in US history since those days even in today's events.

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They were getting settled into the Deep State as far back as the elder Bush, who referred to them as "the crazies in the basement".

Sadly, they're no longer restricted to the basement.

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You're right. Actually, the Reagan administration saw them coming in droves into government and it only grew over time. But it was Cheney who harvested the seeds sown over the years brought them into full power initiating the GWOT and using that to redistribute power.

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Western media nowadays reminds me of old Pravda, Izvestia and Komsomolskaya Pravda - propaganda arms of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It’s actually more powerful, since it had digital presence and amazing amount of money. Reality of war is unforgiving.

Neocons did not study Russia and Russian spirit well enough. An attempt to weaken and destroy a great Orthodox Slavic Civilization is going to cost the west secedes of pain and distrust. Another Babylon is being destroyed. God works listeriosis ways

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Yeah, same people.

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Excellent analysis

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Another light shining in the darkness. Such is your truth shining out in the world of lies about Ukraine. Thank you.

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Were to to God that you prove correct.

And what of the reports of Russian forces massing in Byelorus?

One thing among many that concerns me is the Sunk Cost Fallacy. Once Zaluzhnyi squanders his third army, the West will intervene more and more directly, rather than admit defeat, admit that all the treasure spent is now lost.

That Washington pays little direct cost only encourages further recklessness.

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"And what of the reports of Russian forces massing in Byelorus?"

At the very least, *potential* for opening another front to further split nato/Uke forces, should that become advantageous.

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where will the big guy get his 10% if UKraine fails? Oh, wait, funds to rebuild Ukraine, more fraud, theft and bribes.

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Extremely well done. Thank you.

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