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The national tragedy for us (USA) is that our own Government, military, State Department and our politicians on both sides of the aisle, and indirectly our vaunted intelligence agencies, in concert with the rotten, corporate MSM, have intentionally pulled wool over the eyes of the American Public, by presenting a rosy view of Ukrainian capabilities and squandering $100+ billion dollars of our hard-earned tax payer money in the process, for well over a year, and bringing us and the world close to a Nuclear World War III (at any moment, since it takes just a single mistake to bring it on) and economic ruin to us the People, in the form of loss of our dollar as reserve currency and a ruined, de-industrialized, pitiful service economy, that condemns most of us to near poverty.

Sorry for the long sentence, but I wanted to include it all in one sentence.

But, if this is not the very definition of TREASON to the Nation, I don't know what is! I am really worried about the future of our children and grandchildren!

The so-called neo-cons and globalists, more correctly called neo-colonists, cannot bring themselves to accept and co-exist with a multi-polar world! To maintain their "rules-based" hegemonic control over the world, they feed a voracious MICIMAC (Military, industrial, Congress, Intelligence, Media, Academia Complex - a term coined by Ray McGovern instead of just MIC) more than $1 trillion a year, hollowing out our own physical, industrial and social infrastructure in the process. All for what?

To fight evil Russians and wily Chinese? Who mind their own business, literally, and never want to fight with USA? WHY? What form of insanity is this? Why can't we be friends with Russia (with most abundant natural resources in the world) and China (a manufacturing juggernaut and the leading economy in the world)? Why can't we stop spending on a 13-carrier Navy and 800+ foreign bases, mind our own business (literally), and live and prosper in a multipolar world? Why not spend that money on our own people and society, instead of squandering them on wunderwaffen (costly but useless wonder weapons like F35 fighters), which will never be used, without the world being destroyed in a nuclear holocaust?

We have two oceans and two friendly neighbors. We don't need much to defend ourselves against potential (if any) enemies. Rename the Department of Defense as War Department (as it used to be called), cut 70% of its budget, abolish NATO, AUKUS ..., bring our troops home and JUST rebuild our Nation and mind our own business! What a splendid Nation and a paradigm for all, we would be!

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Why? Because Americans choose to be blind and ignorant. It is not as if Vietnam never happened. This willing subservience to a blissful ignorance state is why.

After all the people deserve the government they get. It is not that Americans are being lied to its just that they never bother to look for the truth, how can one see with eyes closed?

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It is hard enough for a blind man to see, but what about a man who does not want to see the truth and fights it every step of the way?

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Happy Victory day.

Glad to hear from you.

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С Днем Победы Вам!

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It is sad to witness the bloodshed. Do you know the Russian joke.

A call from the past:

- Hello, grandchildren! How are you going?

- We are at war with Ukraine.

- With Ukraine? Against whom?

(in Russian, "воюем с Украиной" could mean both against or together. I hope that Truth overcomes at last)

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The cynicism of Kiev and Washington is most instructive.

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Last week, my family heard a weird thing that came seemingly from Ukr... It is the first time... I was probably driving, so I didn't notice it, but they asked me when I came home... The west should stop the carnage, but they won't.

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Oh we're being lied to alright. It's a big question as to just how much Americans are responsible for their (our) plight. When you have an active, well-funded, patient, subversive Cabal that has been systematically attacking America since 1948...well, it's not just 'blind and ignorant' Americans. Any nation's people would succumb to that.

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Please don't take offence to this, but as a non-American I have to say it: You are right about everything you said, and yet you still make it about *you*.

The ruin of your state is to the benefit of the rest of us. That alone won't be enough to save any of us, of course, but it's a start.

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I do not! I fully agree with your point. I am a first generation immigrant to US from a former colony of the British Empire, and so am still intimately aware of what happens in the rest of the world. I have also traveled abroad extensively and so actually know non-US people, who are just like us, aspiring for a decent life for them and their families.

If we in the US accept multipolarity and mind our own business, we will prosper along with the rest of the world. Multipolarity is NOT the problem. It is the "rules-based" world order of neo-colonists that is ruining USA with excessive, needless military expenditures!

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yes, YOU personally should mind your own private little business

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I am an American domestic shorthair, and I admit it - if America today sank into the ocean, most of the rest of the world would rejoice at their deliverance.

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Cats do like to knock things off the shelf after all...

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I admit that it is satisfying.

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You're just US hater, nothing more.

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I'm saying this because the tentacles of the Great Satan will never withdraw willingly, or out of any sensible or virtuous turn. No, never.

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It is about time for US citizens to revolt and vote out + send to jail all pshychopaths and neocons warmongers like Nuland, Blinken, Bolton, Pompeo, Graham, N Halley, Biden, Clinton and co.

And for European to see who is their real ennemy (anglos), get rid off the EU(civil nato) and NATO.G7 countries are de facto bankrupted worse for Europe they have no energy , no minerals nothing, only debts, ponzi they will never pay back.

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Every winning candidate since arguably Bush 1.0 ("kinder gentler nation") ran for office as a non-interventionist who would restore the middle class. Even Dubya promised a humbler foreign policy, before he got elected.

Once inaugurated, each candidate morphed into a handmaiden to the moneyed interests at the expense of everyone else, not to mention, a foaming-at-the-mouth hawk.

Remember when Obama was elected in 2008? Conservatives clutched their pearls and made dire predictions of imminent socialist dictatorship and the terrifying spectre of peace breaking out at any minute. Every Team R apparatchik turned into an internet Alinsky expert. The collective freakout was even bigger when Trump was elected - and it wasn't limited to one party. Formerly sober people bought wholeheartedly into a conspiracy theory so asinine that it would have embarrassed the 1962-era John Birch Society.

What happened in both cases?

Obama governed as a slightly more articulate version of Dubya, with a smattering of Identity Politics. The only "socialism" he brought was in the form of free money for his rich friends and a giant gimme for the insurance industry. Not only did he fail to end any wars, he gave us three more stupid wars.

For his part, Trump governed as a meaner, stupider, more reckless, more dysfunctional version of Dubya. As a candidate, he was even more explicit, perhaps, in his promise to restore the middle class and end the wars. The less said about Trump's actual record in office, the better.

Bottom line: I don't pretend to know how the process works, or even if it is the same for every president, but the results speak for themselves. I suspect without evidence that it is something like what we saw in "Yes, Minister".

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You cannot 'vote' your problems away.

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Comment from a citizen: of course the world would be less dangerous if the United States were not an imperialist state, spending billions on an army whose incompetence will eventually become proverbial, and never ceasing to threaten all those who do not spontaneously align themselves under its banner. But the world would also be better off if the Americans stopped believing that they should be an example to others - Comment from a citizen: of course the world would be less dangerous if the United States were not an imperialist state, spending billions on an army whose incompetence will eventually become proverbial, and never ceasing to threaten all those who do not spontaneously align themselves under its banner. But the world would also be better off if the Americans stopped believing that they should be an example to others - What a splendid Nation and a paradigm for all, we would be! But no! You will be a splendid nation the day you stop thinking you are the navel of the world, the day you stop thinking you are the most important nation in history.

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You are right. We are not and never were "Exceptional." We were colonists, from the very beginning of our history - Manifest destiny, Monroe Doctrine, Chosen People etc. enabling our expansion to the west coast (using "treaties" and genocide of indigenous population and trumped-up war with Mexico), Hawaii and domination of Latin and South America.

WWII was the turning point in our history. That is what led to our "Exceptional" argument! We were the only Nation standing at the end of the war (thanks to the oceans that separate us from Europe and Asia) and in sole possession of nuclear weapons! And we imagined that it was us who defeated Germany (recall Soviets could have and would have defeated Germany even if we had not gotten in - they won the war at a tremendous cost of 25+ million dead and a devastated nation). Military might enabled us to dictate to the world! The petro-dollar and an economy that was 50% of the world led to economic and financial domination! Hello, Unipolar world dictated by USA!

The world has changed since! BRICS economy has surpassed G7! We must accept the resulting multipolar world, regulated by UN Charter! We are still an innovative nation - GPS, Internet, AI etc. WE INVENTED! We can still do well in a multipolar world. So why ruin everything in pursuit of global hegemony?????

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"We must accept the resulting multipolar world, regulated by UN Charter! We are still an innovative nation - GPS, Internet, AI etc. WE INVENTED! "


Frenchman here. I'd like to stress that this statement you made is a sign of US blindness. For in fact, the US did not quite invent those things. GPS? Yes, American development, but France developed the first similar constellation 15 years before, it was the ARGOS positioning system, still used to help rescue ships at sea. Less precise, unfit for all the advanced uses of GPS, but the same stuff actually, only with earlier technologies and capabilities. Internet? The IP protocol was invented by a British engineer working at CERN, an international institution based in Switzerland and France. Also, France had its own Minitel network, using different tech but meant to allow instantaneous computer-based communication, which was in widespread use in French households several years before the US military started sharing its network tech with a few university labs. It's also France's Alcatel, formerly a state company, who invented the ADSL protocol which made fast internet for all on a worldwide scale possible. AI? Well, Alan Turing was not American, and many researchers from many countries developed AI.


My point is this: the US once had real talent to find revolutionary use for technologies being developed elsewhere, and to put in the necessary resources to turn those technologies into meaningful social and economic change. That's quite an important talent.

Unfortunately, the narrative that came to fill the brains of American people was much simpler: "we invented it". And therefore, "we" can do it alone and others must follow. The problem with this narrative is that you did not invent it, and therefore you'd do much better to acknowledge the role of others and to keep working in good cooperation with others, than to treat them as inferiors and to think you can do it alone.

But the saddest part of this story, is that American elites were the ones to believe the narrative to the fullest extent. It made them so full of themselves, that they are now incapable to see how mistaken it is. So instead, some other power will have to demonstrate that they can do it better and faster than the US. That's what China has been working on for 3 decades. And contrary to the US, they at least do it with a discourse towards others that's all about sharing the benefits of their effort. I do not claim that the Chinese are sincere, but that is what they tell their friends. The US does not even do this any more.

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I specify: I am also French (I had written "a French citizen" but the adjective was forgotten).

I add to what Pierre says that American vanity has been encouraged by the submission of the European elites, and in particular the French, to American domination. Why this submission? A sort of inferiority complex following the Second World War: the image of the "liberating GI" that must not be questioned, especially if the real winner of the German army is the ugly Soviet muzhik.

To confirm my point, I will simply recall the cries of appalled virgins that all those who claim to be the elite uttered when General de Gaulle told NATO: "Out! And when he did not align himself with American positions, he was called a KGB agent.

The mistake of the Americans is to consider that an ally must always agree with them. But this mistake is also shared by their allies.

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Thanks for that information, which is new to me!

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All good points, but also consider that for an American "invented" and "commercialized" are almost synonymous. Google Facebook, Apple, Twitter etc., invented themselves into existence from the ether with no prior work done by anyone else.

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Apple... not true. Apple is a company who's been doing its business by assembling tech invented by others, as to offer integrated final products that offered an advanced and reliable service they could market with high profit margins. It's the story behind the Apple I and II, the iPod, or the iPhone. And Apple OS are UNIX-derived.

The 3 others are in fact service companies. Google made its success by offering a service they didn't invent, but through a technology they invented and that was more effective than the competition. Facebook or Twitter sure invented their service, although not out of the blue and taking inspiration from others, and as for the tech they use, some is their own but a lot of bricks are not.

For the rest, the scale and often pro-monopolistic nature of the US market helped them a lot on their way to become world giants. It does not mean their tech or their product is always better than what others can invent.

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I assumed that my use of the word "ether" would signal that I was not being serious.

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Correction in beginning of First Brilliant Sentence: "USSA" "Coup Feral Gov." Traitorous democRats, & rinoRats." Otherwise Excellent.

As far as adopting President George Washington's Foreign Policy ...... sadly there are Bad Actors in the World as was demonstrated later on in 1812. Our Current Priority Problem is The Bad Actors occupy DC. What to Do Domestically? is the question du jour.

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The US invasion of Canada? Didn't go that well.

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What's your point??? That Canada wanted to remain a Crowned Colony? That isn't working out so well either. OR that the USSA hasn't won a war since 1945? I agreee, NWO Wars for profit & blood don't work out well either.


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It was a long time ago and they were all friends again soon afterwards (apart from the Indians, they got ratted on [again]). it occurred to me when reading about it thirty-odd years ago that it was really another civil war like the 1775-1783 one.

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The 1775-1783 was a CW, especially in the Southern Colonies wher Loyalists and their Patriot neighbors actually fought each other with a minimum of British Army present, like at Kings Mtn. near the NC/SC border.

Are you a Canadian? I'm a Confederate, just for the record :-)

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No, I'm English. ;O) It looks to me like a British civil war with several others at the same time.

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Well the two World Wars did the British Empire in. Seems like the USSA is next to decline. We Both had Traitorous "Leaders" in the post WW II era. Replacing the Population with an Invasion of Immigrants.

As long as we remain armed in the USA, there is a chance to restore Liberty.

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It will take years to clean up the mess but it will be worth it.

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Because the Powers That Be running this globalist show hate America and are intent upon destroying her. Soros has said this many times - he hates the United States. And why you ask? Because we (used to) be what stood between him and his goals of a One World System. And goddamnit! those pesky Americans STILL have their guns!

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Soros loves Americans. New Americans. Non-White, Immigrant, high-time-preference, low-IQ Americans.

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NO He doesn't..he only uses them as pawns on his way to power..

People like him only care about themselves and holding on to their money and power

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obviously a ruzzian fascists sympathizer and genocidal war supporter

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Because the United States has been living in debt for decades and only 13 aircraft carriers and 800 bases keep the world from demanding to pay this debt. How much does the US owe now? $31000000000000? Subtract $31 trillion from your well-being...

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