I heard Biden say Ukraine conflict was a vital US interest. I disagree. If it isn't one, then Biden is making a mistake. It has been elevated into a contest over a unipolar world order, which is bad for the US unless it is a vital US interest.
I heard Biden say Ukraine conflict was a vital US interest. I disagree. If it isn't one, then Biden is making a mistake. It has been elevated into a contest over a unipolar world order, which is bad for the US unless it is a vital US interest.
I heard Biden say Ukraine conflict was a vital US interest. I disagree. If it isn't one, then Biden is making a mistake. It has been elevated into a contest over a unipolar world order, which is bad for the US unless it is a vital US interest.
I'll spell it out for MAGA-level reading comprehension:
Deflating Russia is a vital US interest.